Accessing Femininity Through Kundalini Yoga with Aimee Bello

by All Maxim Hygiene, Culture

This past May we celebrated our company’s ninth anniversary, women’s health month and our new offices in Santa Monica with a nod to our 2017 intention and mantra – discovering what it means to be feminine. In so doing, we invited our Chief Flow Rider’s favorite local kundalini yoga teacher, Aimee Bello of Altared Space, to lead a group of our local team members and partners through an unforgettable yoga flow. A few months later and we’re still feeling the high, which is why we wanted to share some of the insight we received from Aimee with you here in her own words.

We couldn’t think of a better time to share our empowering findings with you as we near the last few months of our journey in finding the divine feminine through the Maxim menstrual lens and movement. Tomorrow is also Women’s Equality Day, a time to reflect on how far our gender has come since 1920, the year women were given the right to vote and the year this day is meant to commemorate. So what’s left for you to explore in the months to come as we approach the new year? As we take #femininetothemax, we’ll bump up the healthy and empowering content of our posts over the next few months and we’ll let Aimee take it from here with some of her own food for thought…..

In May, I had the honor of teaching a Kundalini Yoga class with the Maxim Hygiene tribe to celebrate their 9th Anniversary and Menstrual Hygiene Day. When I mentioned this to some people, the replies from all genders were, “There’s a day for that? Why? Why is that to be celebrated?” The fact that these questions were asked is exactly the reason why Menstrual Hygiene Day must exist.

A woman’s moon aka menstruation – it’s called her moon because like the moon it usually has a 28 day cycle in which a woman’s hormones and emotions connected to it waxes and wanes – is also connected to her creative power. This vitality that overflows from her every month does not only mean that she has the power to hold within her a seed that blooms into a baby that enters this world as a child, but also figuratively, seeds of her labor of all the dreams and inspirations she is ready to birth and share with the world. This fertile power is not to be shamed or dismissed, but to be revered and celebrated. A woman bleeds every month and is reminded that she is alive and brave and powerful.

The Present is Female

Our connection to this force is that we all emerged into this life from her womb, from a woman. This is the focus of the teachings I shared during the Maxim Hygiene event: that the present is female, not only the future, but also the past and this moment right now, all of it, because it all would not exist without the creative transmutative, cultivating power of the woman.

The Kundalini Yoga teachings compliment this truth as it focuses on harnessing this sacred power by using certain movements, breath, mantra (chants) and meditation to awaken your creative potential aka your Kundalini. It uses your physical body to activate your mind so that you can be aware of your edges and then go beyond those perceived limitations to access your spirit where you are unlimited, infinite. This is what yoga is all about, the connection of your body, to your mind, to your spirit as one. When that alignment occurs, you are not your past, your present, your future, you just are. You are the limitless, boundless, vast energy that can create anything. Just as you have been created, been birthed, you too can create and give life. All is possible because your existence is possible. And that existence is possible because of the superpower that is woman. Honor her. Celebrate her. Thank her.

Thank YOU Aimee for your divine and beautiful words. The present is truly female! We feel it, feel you and have felt it in our nine year journey at Maxim Hygiene Products. We hope all of our readers will join in on your great teachings and continue to deepen their healthy lifestyle choices with the support of organic tampons and other natural personal care products like Maxim.
