
5 Ways to Teach Your Children About Climate Change

5 Ways to Teach Your Children About Climate Change

The generation growing up today has more knowledge and power at its fingertips than any before it. With great power comes great responsibility. Our children are living at a precarious moment in the Earth's history. A tipping point that could prove fatal for the Earth...

7 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Make from Your Recycling Bin

7 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Make from Your Recycling Bin

Boo, ladies! It's that time of year again. Time to scrounge around the house, take a quick trip to Michael's or Target, gather the duct-tape and scissors, and put that creative genius to work for some DIY Halloween Costumes that will make trick or treaters squirm! If...

The Benefits of Breastfeeding and Cotton Nursing Pads

The Benefits of Breastfeeding and Cotton Nursing Pads

The debate surrounding the appropriateness of mothers breastfeeding in public highlights how women's bodies are sites of oppression. It is a literal representation of the gender inequities we still face today. For some reason, a lot of people get really uppity when it...

5 Puberty Conversations Every Girl Should Have with Her Father

5 Puberty Conversations Every Girl Should Have with Her Father

No doubt, there are some puberty conversations we never want to have with our parents, much less our fathers (especially as young girls). The idea of talking to Dad about sex and boobs can make you want to squeal, but the influence you have as a daughter over his...

Gearing Up for Mother’s Day and Menstrual Hygiene Day by Giving

Gearing Up for Mother’s Day and Menstrual Hygiene Day by Giving

Mothers and menstruation. They are so deeply connected. So are fathers for that matter, as Natalie Berthold, the most amazing family constellation therapist, shared with us not too long ago. We should probably do a follow up post with her about the family...

Why Empowering Daughters to Work Is So Important

Why Empowering Daughters to Work Is So Important

It's no surprise that women earn less than men do per dollar, but what is surprising is that more women than men are graduating from college. More women are entering the fields of law and medicine than ever before, but the science, technology, engineering and...

How Planned Parenthood Saved My Life

How Planned Parenthood Saved My Life

Seventeen... what isn't magical at 17? The world is your oyster, your body is in peak physical condition, your brain is absorbing information exponentially, your hormones are in full flush, causing your loins to tingle multiple times a day; and if you were me, you...

3 New Products for Babies and New Moms with Sensitive Skin

3 New Products for Babies and New Moms with Sensitive Skin

Our company was created almost nine years ago by a dad and his daughter who were on a mission to service women whom they could understand because of the women that comprised their own family - gals with sensitive skin who range in age from 24 - 55 and have a deep...

The Ultimate Healthy Locker Checklist for Teenage Girls

The Ultimate Healthy Locker Checklist for Teenage Girls

Going back to school is one of the best feelings in the world; you get to show off your golden tan and catch up with your girlfriends about summer crushes, internships, and other secrets. But as the novelty of school wears off and the routine of essays, gym class, and...